For a commercial software product, the Business Case should include a set of assumptions about the project and the order of magnitude return on investment ( ROI) if those assumptions are true. 对一个商业软件产品来说,商业案例应该包括一组关于项目和投资收益(ROI)的数量级的假设。
But his visionary predictions have not always led to commercial success, as in the case of the touch-screen tablet computer. 但并不是每一次盖茨的梦幻预测都能转换成商业利润,就比如他的触控平板电脑设想,就没有获得成功。
Analysis of the Experience Commercial Building Space& A Case Study on the Design of Fifteen Streets in Qingdao 浅谈体验式商业建筑空间&以青岛·十五街为例
The Dilemma and Distorting Breakout of Commercial Guarantee: Case of Weihai 商业化担保的经营困境及扭曲突围:威海案例
Study on the Development of Interaction between Commercial and Residential Space& Case Study on Changsha 商业与居住空间互动发展研究初探&以长沙市为例分析
To seriously investigate commercial bribery case involving national civil servants, at the same time, to combat bribery, effectively curb the momentum of the spread of commercial bribe. 要严肃查处涉及国家公务员的商业贿赂案件,同时,要打击行贿行为,有效遏制商业贿赂滋生蔓延的势头。
Approach to the development of traditional urban commercial area: a case study of Xiamen 城市传统商业中心区发展的思考&以厦门市为例
The GIS-based Analysis on the Spatial Evolution of the Benchmark Price of Urban Commercial Land: A Case Study of Urban Areas of Loudi City 基于GIS分析的城市商业基准地价空间演变规律研究&以娄底市市区为例
The Study on Economic Consequence of Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Commercial Banks& Based on the Case of China Merchants Bank in the Acquisition of Wing Lung Bank 中国商业银行海外并购经济后果研究&以招商银行并购永隆银行为例
This last commercial is a case in point. 上个广告案就是个范本。
Help the staff to have a commercial and professional attitude in any case. 使员工在任何情况下要表现出商业人士的职业态度;
We think the government plans to sell the bonds to the commercial banks, but in case the drawn-on liquidity has become too great, the central bank could take the remaining subscription. 我们认为政府计划将此国债售与商业银行,但一旦流动性剧烈紧缩,央行将认购剩余国债。
Because we both have not registered in the industrial and commercial administrative departments, this case should have been in jurisdiction of the defendant's locus court. 由于我们双方合作机构没有在工商部门登记注册,根据最高人民法院《关于审理联营合同纠纷案件若干问题的解释》的规定,本案应由被告所在地法院管辖。
Strengthening Regulations on Senior Executives of Chinese Commercial Banks& a case study on the double-layer principle-agent relationship 加强对银行高级管理人员的监管:基于双重委托代理关系的分析
Long-Term Investment of Enterprises and Credit Safety of Commercial Banks& A Case Study of Power Generating Industry 企业长期投资与商业银行信贷安全&以发电业为例进行分析
Judicial Intervention of People's court is strictly confined to arbitral proceedings of International Commercial Arbitration which is the case in most of the countries in the world. 我国立法和司法实践顺应了国内法院只对涉外商事仲裁案件进行程序审查的潮流。
Resources Endowment and the Organizational Form of City Commercial Bank; the Case of Shandong Province 资源禀赋与城市商业银行组织形式选择:山东个案
To design the marketing strategy of commercial bank: Case and inspiration 商业银行的营销战略设计:案例与启示
On the Cognizance of the Crime of Infringing upon Commercial Privacy through a Case Study 从一起案例谈侵犯商业秘密罪的认定
On the Lender-borrower Relationship in State-Owned Commercial Banks Reform: A Case Study of Xinjiang Branch of China Construction Bank 论国有银行商业化改革中新型信贷关系的渐进式构造建设银行新疆生产建设兵团个案研究
The article analyzes the application of the theory of internal control integrated frameworks in commercial banks with a case study. 本文定位于微观层面,从实证研究出发,在以上分析的基础上,以案例的形式对内部控制整体框架理论在商业银行中的应用进行了分析研究;
An Evaluative Analysis to the Residents 'Degree of Satisfaction Towards Commercial Banks& A Case Study of Nanjing City 对商业银行居民服务满意度的评价分析&以南京市调查为例
To analyze and solve the difficult traffic problems comprehensively and systematically, the redevelopment planning of Ji'nan central commercial area as a case is advanced. 并以济南市中心商业区改造规划为例,以期全面系统地分析和解决这一地区的交通难题。
However, deportation problem of the administrative penalty of industrial and commercial involving crime case always trouble the practical departments. 但,行政处罚案件的移送问题一直困惑着实务部门。
Combined with a large number of domestic and foreign commercial complex case, some inspected and photographed. 再结合大量国内外商业综合体的案例,对其进行考察。
In practice, even a simple International Commercial Arbitration case may involve three or four countries 'legal systems and rules. 在国际商事仲裁实践中,即使是较为简单的国际商事仲裁也可能涉及三到四个国家的法律制度和规则。
The fourth part is a commercial bank integrated marketing case studies to a highway under the Securities Group and an example, a commercial bank-based financial services package through public-private joint marketing and integrated marketing model case of successful marketing Highway Group. 第四部分是商业银行综合营销案例研究,以某高速公路集团公司和下属证券公司为例,研究某商业银行通过套餐型金融服务以及公私联动营销等综合营销模式成功营销高速公路集团的案例。
Football game is the commercial bribery case. 足球运动比赛中的商业贿赂更是屡见不鲜。
Thirdly, based on a large number of commercial banks financial risk management case and supply chain financial practice, it has a strong practical significance to commercial banks to develop financial services and risk identification and control. 第三、基于商业银行供应链金融风险管理控制的实际操作而引申出的大量案例分析,对于商业银行进行链金融业务的开拓、风险识别和控制,具有很强的现实意义。